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Kickstarter Games You Should Know About April 2021

April has some pretty cool Kickstarter games out for backing! From card games to party games to even classic Chess, we cover an assortment of different types of games this month looking for backing on Kickstarter. let’s take a look!

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Gloom is a fantastic game, we even did a how to play gloom that you can find here! This expansion will give some new mechanics.

This is a stand alone game with the goal similar to how gloom is played already. To tell the story of how horrible the lives of your family is before killing them of and locking in the points.

Like other gloom games before it. The cards are translucent where only the visible parts of the cards are the active effect so it’s possible to make good things happen to your opponents family and make them happier.

The player with the least happy family once the first family is completely killed off wins.

Back on Kickstarter: http://kck.st/3bxkkVD

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This SciFi tabletop game has players building their reputation as you and your fellow players take on jobs to survive in this world.

If there was a game out there that really gave me the Cowboy Bebop vibes, this might just be the one.

So if you are looking for a role playing game that is lighter on the rules and has some cool modules that take players throughout space, then Death in Space might just be a great Kickstarter to back!

Back on Kickstater: http://kck.st/3djxmW7

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Mythic Battles : Ragnarök

Mythic Battles is a factor based game where players choose factions and fight.

This game is designed for 2-4 players and follows a norse mythology style. and is played on different style terrain boards. The players factions contain troops and heroes that will move along the board, attacking and planning to beat the opponent.

The game comes with some pretty slick looking dice as well.

If you are looking for a faction tactical wargame that has some re-playability and customization. This might be a good pick for you.

Back on Kickstarter: http://kck.st/2PFrmiJ

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Mage Noir - Expandable Card Game

Magic Noir is a new collectable card game that is attempting to enter the scene. This is a collectable deck builder in which players are able to use mana to cast spells.

For those that have played Magic the Gathering this game has a similar concept with a really cool twist. The mana is collected at the center of the table.

The thing that I really like about this idea is that it takes away the problem of mana deletion or flooding that Magic the Gathering can suffer at times.

It also gives strategy to the game for if it makes sense to play the mana as other players at the table can use it as well against you.

The art is really different and unique as well. I will be excited to see how this Kickstarter does!

Back on Kickstarter: http://kck.st/38M0fcf

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Ghost Writer

Ghost writer is a unique party game that takes a few investigators to come together and discover.

Each team is trying to find out an object. The description words are written down on a piece of paper. As the objects are being written however, it’s beneficial to stop the writing to prevent the other team from finding out the object.

That makes for a neat give and take approach to this mechanic.

Now these words that are being written out are not the actual object but items that can help describe the item on the card.

The team that gets the object right wins the round.

This is a pretty simple and easy to understand game with a clever mechanic and might be a great pickup for your next Halloween party.

Back on Kickstarter: http://kck.st/2Ou0T7r

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This is one of the coolest ideas I have seen for chess that is a tangible teacher of the game in a neat package.

The board lights up to show moves of pieces. This shows new players and experienced players alike where a piece will be able to move for that turn.

One of the craziest features however and is the main reason I am so excited for this board is the online play. This online play allows for players to either play for fun or for actual rating.

It works by the opponents move lighting up on the board so you the owner of the board can move their piece to where they had moved it on their end of the internet.

It’s rare that I call something really revolutionary to a game, but this takes the entire culture of chess and both exposes it to new players in a friendly way that teaches them the game, but also allows for chess fanatic’s to have a chance to play with others online and away from each other as well.

I highly recommend backing this project for yourself if you are interested in the world of chess.

Back on Kickstarter: http://kck.st/3tn9kA4

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